The Singapore dollar ( currency code SGD) is the monetary unit of Singapore. 新加坡元(货币代码SGD)是新加坡的货币。
The Brunei dollar ( currency code BND) is pegged to the Singapore dollar at a1:1 trade ratio. 文莱元(货币代码BND)与新加坡元挂钩,兑换率为1比1。
In recent weeks, currencies in Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Thailand have pushed to their highest levels against the dollar in more than a decade. 新加坡、韩国、马来西亚、菲律宾和泰国等国的货币兑美元汇率近几周都创下了十余年来的最高水平。
The list included Brazil, Korea, Mexico and Singapore& countries with close economic ties to the U.S. Moreover, Fed officials viewed their dollar reserves as a form of implicit collateral for the swap lines. 其中有巴西、韩国、墨西哥和新加坡,这些国家都与美国有着密切的经济关系。而且美联储官员将这些国家的美元储备当做互换协议的一种形式的隐性担保。
These analysts add that currencies most vulnerable under that scenario include the euro, Swiss franc, yen, Singapore dollar and Thai baht. 这些分析师补充称,在这种情况下,最为脆弱的货币包括欧元、瑞士法郎、日元、新加坡元以及泰铢。
Overall, Asian cities rose in rankings with the strengthening of some of its currencies, including the Korean won, Singapore dollar, Thai baht and Japanese yen. 由于韩圆、新加坡元、泰铢和日圆等部分亚洲货币纷纷升值,因此亚洲城市在此次调查中的排名出现整体性上升。
Property in Singapore, like Hong Kong, has been fuelled by cheap money made worse by currencies more or less pegged to the US dollar. 新加坡的房地产和香港一样,受到廉价资金驱动,更糟的是,两地的货币或多或少跟美元挂钩。
Singapore has been much less troubled and its line recognises its importance to Asia as a foreign currency market, in particular as a conduit for dollar liquidity to other nations in the region. 新加坡所受冲击要轻得多,给予其互换额度,是认可其作为一个外汇市场对于亚洲的重要性,特别是作为美元流动性传导至其它亚洲国家的管道。
The Singapore dollar hit a high of$ 1.2826, while the Australian dollar reached near parity with the greenback, touching A$ 0.9982. 新加坡元汇率触及1美元兑1.2826新加坡元的高点,与此同时,澳元几乎与美元平起平坐,汇率达到1澳元兑0.9982美元。
He commuted the foreign currency to domestic "Foreign Currency" shall mean any currency ( or sub-unit of any currency) other than the Singapore Dollar. 他将外币兑换成本国货币。外币系指除新加坡元之外的任何一种货币(或任何货币的次单元)。
Noting that estimates vary, the bank quoted evidence suggesting that the currencies of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Taiwan and Singapore were more than 20 per cent undervalued against the dollar, while the currencies of the Philippines and Thailand were about 10 per cent undervalued. 亚开行指出,虽然各方估算不同,但有证据表明,中国、香港、马来西亚、台湾和新加坡货币兑美元汇率低估逾20%,而菲律宾和台湾货币兑美元汇率低估约10%。
Within Asia, the Singapore dollar and the Japanese yen have been the traditional risk-aversion currency plays. 在亚洲内部,新加坡元和日元是传统的避险货币。
A milestone of sorts was reached this month when the dollar hit a multiyear low on a trade-weighted basis and set record lows against Asian currencies, led by the Singapore dollar. 上月美元迎来了某种转折点:按贸易加权法计算,美元汇率触及多年低位,对亚洲货币以新加坡元为首更是创下历史新低。
Mr Baig suggests buying proxies in the region, such as the Singapore dollar and the Malaysian ringgit against the dollar, since they probably offer better value. 贝格建议用美元买进该地区的替代货币,如新加坡元和马来西亚林吉特,因为它们可能会提供更好的价值。
Finance ministers from the Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation group ended a meeting in Singapore with a strong endorsement of "market-oriented exchange rates that reflect economic fundamentals" but carefully avoided a confrontation with China over its currency peg to the US dollar. 亚太经济合作组织(apec)各国财长在结束新加坡会议之际,强有力地支持实行“以市场为导向、反映经济基本面的汇率”,但小心避免了与实行盯住美元汇率的中国形成对抗。
Based on the calculation of exchange rate volatility by GARCH model, this paper compared RMB with US dollar, Japanese Yen, HK dollar, Philippine peso, Malaysia Ringgit and Singapore dollar. 本文在利用GARCH模型测算人民币汇率波动率的基础上,将人民币与美元、日元、港币、菲律宾比索、马来西亚林吉特和新加坡元进行互动性比较分析。
Analysts said that the central bank would probably allow the Singapore dollar to appreciate further to curb the costs of imports of food and fuel. 分析师表示,新加坡央行可能会允许新加坡元进一步升值,以控制食品及燃料进口成本。
But there is growing support for a move to peg the dollar to a basket of currencies, as Singapore does, rather than tie Hong Kong to the US dollar and easy American monetary policy. 但是,有越来越多的人支持放弃与美元挂钩,改而像新加坡那样盯住一篮子货币,不再继续把香港与美元及美国的宽松货币政策绑在一起。
Moreover, the US Federal Reserve has provided support with its decision to establish currency swap lines with four emerging markets South Korea, Singapore, Brazil and Mexico to inject large amounts of dollar liquidity into these markets. 另外,美联储(fed)提供了支持,它决定与4个新兴市场国家韩国、新加坡、巴西和墨西哥签订货币互换额度协议,向这些市场注入巨额美元流动性。
Could Germany be turning into singapore? The question may seem odd but it is seriously preoccupying economists observing the seemingly unstoppable ascent of the euro against the dollar. 德国会不会变成新加坡?或许这个问题看似古怪,但一些经济学家却在专心思量,因为他们看到,欧元兑美元的升势似乎一发不可收。
Cointegration testing showed that futures price of USA crude oil and spot prices of Singapore 180 fuel oil and Exchange rate of Euro ( to dollar) have long-term marked equilibrium relationship with prices of Shanghai fuel oil futures. 最终作出的长期协整方程显示:美原油期货价格,新加坡180燃料油现货价格、欧元汇率与上海燃料油现货价构成长期显著的均衡关系。
These two operating process help to maintain the strong Singapore dollar and not cause the over scarcity of base money. 这两种方向相反的操作过程有助于维持新元汇率的强势,也不致于造成市场新元过度短缺。